all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 8AA 3 3 52.485457 -0.665683
NN18 8AG 12 9 52.493095 -0.657336
NN18 8AL 15 13 52.487298 -0.6823
NN18 8AN 17 11 52.485692 -0.684233
NN18 8AP 23 0 52.476901 -0.707906
NN18 8AQ 7 6 52.494516 -0.653389
NN18 8AR 2 2 52.484348 -0.697689
NN18 8AW 1 1 52.487326 -0.685479
NN18 8AY 6 0 52.481402 -0.695301
NN18 8AZ 19 13 52.49288 -0.654942
NN18 8BA 5 0 52.482014 -0.701144
NN18 8BB 6 0 52.480879 -0.700102
NN18 8BD 16 0 52.480536 -0.699126
NN18 8BE 24 0 52.480122 -0.697459
NN18 8BG 30 0 52.480356 -0.695877
NN18 8BH 36 1 52.481592 -0.698682
NN18 8BJ 20 0 52.482379 -0.69835
NN18 8BL 14 0 52.482096 -0.696282
NN18 8BP 43 0 52.47976 -0.698103
NN18 8BQ 13 0 52.480341 -0.694552